
Why Going through Wedding Venues and Choosing the Best is Crucial


There are a few important things that need to be considered before the big day – the wedding. Among others, the choice of the place where the main event will take place is among them. See some basics about weddings here.

It is not at all a bad idea to start from there, because the location, size, appearance and opportunities it offers will further affect the full choices – money, colors, number of guests, and type of food, so choosing the most reliable venue is particularly significant.

1. You set the tone with your spouse right

First, think and discuss what you expect from the venue. Remind yourself of all the weddings you have been to and what you liked and did not like about this chosen venue, and then what you would like to add or change.

Once you are in line with your wishes and ideas, only then can you start choosing. Find pictures of different venues and talk about them. An agreement with a partner is extremely important – you do not want on the end of the most beautiful day, one of you would not be 100% happy because of the bad decisions in choosing a venue.

If you have opposed desires, for example, you want a classic venue, and your partner has a wish for a fancy venue, see if you can find one that combines the two and tastes good.

2. You make sure if there’s space for everyone to fit in

The size of the venue should be chosen according to the appearance and wishes, and according to the number of guests. It will certainly be especially enjoyable for everyone if they have their own place in which they will feel most comfortable and will have space to sit and talk with friends, but also space to dance on good music.

When choosing a venue, talk to the authorities on a sketch of the seating tables layout and how to accommodate your guests. You can apply the layout and with a little imagination have a comfortable space for everyone. Be careful not to choose the space too big, it will look very empty.

3. You make sure the place is perfect for the big day

Finding the best of the venues for weddings is highly important. It would be a shame if you choose the best venue, but it is in the neighboring city, far from you and your guests.

It will be exhausting for you and the organization but also for your guests who will have to spend a lot of time to arrive on time. So pay attention to the location, because the perfect venue in another city will not do you any good.

4. You see in front if there’s something wrong with it

Do a lot of research! Visit a few venues to see what they got good and bad qualities, but also see the online comments left by the bride and groom. Discuss your wishes to fit in with the opportunities offered by the venue, if they are feasible.

But take a good look at other things besides the main area, good enough, for example, if the entrance is marked, so your guests will not find where to enter, if the toilets are in terrible condition, or there is moisture and bad iris somewhere. Especially the floor should be in good condition so your heel will not get stuck somewhere.

5. You get ideas about the big day’s planning and arranging

In addition to the previous weddings you have been to, take a look at the pictures on the internet that will give you good ideas that would fit your wedding idea. It is good to know that decorations can work wonders, so even in an average venue, you can make perfection with decorations.

There are many ideas on how to make some of the decorations yourself, but also where to find to buy or rent some decorations that will fit perfectly. See some ideas for decorations here:

You can also talk to the responsible people in the venue who will tell you the possibilities but also some pictures from the weddings that they think looked really nice. Spend most of your time researching, and then things get easy.

Olson Mig
the authorOlson Mig