
Computer network technology


What is a computer network however? The computer network is a set of computers, printers and other tools that connect to share information and move data via cables. Many users can print with the same printers or use the same software at the same time. A computer that stores the main data and plays the role that the data center is called server while computers connected to the network and that server data are called workstations.

Various networks

1. LAN (LAN)
A limited network by a small area is commonly used by a small office in a building or a school. Usually, it’s not far from 1 square km. Most LAN cards use LAN cables and cards to connect one computer to another. Each computer connected to LAN has a different internet protocol address. It is usually abbreviated as IP address. LAN can also be configured via wireless technology that has a speed of 10 to 10,000 Mbps. Wireless LAN can use an infrared or radio frequency.

The benefits of the local network
a. Sharing files and printers is easy to do among computers.
b. The risk of losing data caused by viruses can be reduced.
vs. If there is a computer connected to the modem, all computers can access the Internet.
re. There is plenty of space in the storage system (hard disk) to store documents.
e. The files stored in the server are accessible by client computers with an authorization. The authorization can be made according to the organization of the structure of the company.

2. Network of the metropolitan area (man)
This type of network usually has an area larger than the local network or contain a network of some LANs that are connected to each other. The example of man is a network built in a large campus complex.

3. Extended area network (WAN)
WAN is a kind of network that is usually constructed through satellite or submarine cable technology. The example of WAN is a banking network in a capital capable of sharing information with a regional banking network. They can also organize a meeting with a video conference via the Internet.

The benefits of WAN:
a. We can send files or documents via email (email) instead of sending documents manually by the post office.
b. A network server at the seat can be a database of the branch.
vs. A company’s data can be updated each day depending on the need.

Olson Mig
the authorOlson Mig